- Ward A
Doctor in charge MUDr. Richard Pešek
Doctors +420 567 157 664
Nurse in-charge Ivana Sovová
Nurses +420 567 157 747
Recommended visitng hours MO - SUN 14:00 – 16:00 Where to find us Block E, 5th floor - Ward B
Doctor in charge MUDr. Stanislav Kopecký
Doctors +420 567 157 264/768
Nurse in-charge Jana Břínková, DiS.
Nurses +420 567 157 757
Recommended visitng hours MO - SUN 14:00 – 16:00 Where to find us Block E, 5th floor - ICU
Doctor in charge MUDr. Marek Pernička
Doctors +420 567 157 654
Nurse in-charge Petra Růžičková
Nurses +420 567 157 653
Recommended visitng hours MO - SUN 14:00 – 16:00 Where to find us Budova C1, 2. poschodí